Star Trek:
The Original Series
The Next Generation
Deep Space 9

Babylon 5/Crusade
Battlestar Galactica
Buck Rogers
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Star Wars
The X-Files

Geographical List
Chronological List

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My Photos With Star Trek (and Other) Stars
at Various Conventions

Erin Gray
"Wilma Deering" on Buck Rogers

Interet Movie Database Info

Taken at
J. Dubin Productions
show in
Cherry Hill, NJ
February 1998

Robert Beltran
"Chakotay" on Star Trek: Voyager

Robert's Official Website
Interet Movie Database Info

Taken at Vulkon
convention in
Baltimore, MD
March 1998

Jennifer Hetrick
"Vash" on Star Trek: The Next Generation

Interet Movie Database Info

Leonard Nimoy
"Spock" on Star Trek

Internet Movie Database Info

Taken at
show in
Phoenix, AZ
May 1998

Robert Duncan McNeill
"Paris" on Star Trek: Voyager

Interet Movie Database Info

Taken at
convention in
Hunt Valley, MD
June 1998

J. G. Hertzler
"Martok" on Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Interet Movie Database Info

Bill Mumy
"Lanier" on Babylon 5
"Will Robinson" on Lost in Space

Interet Movie Database Info

Get 40% off when you pre-order "The X-Files Season 1 DVD Gift Pack" from

Erin Gray
"Wilma Deering" on Buck Rogers

Interet Movie Database Info

Denise Gentile
Lise Hampton-Edgars" on Babylon 5

Interet Movie Database Info

Taken at
convention in
Tyson's Corner, VA
July 1998

Marc Alaimo
"Gul Dukat" on Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Interet Movie Database Info

Roxann Dawson
"Torres" on Star Trek: Voyager

Interet Movie Database Info

Hudson Leick
"Callisto" on Xena: Warrior Princess

Interet Movie Database Info

Taken at
show in
Cherry Hill, NJ
August 1998

Some more pictures (without me in them)
I know you really wantto see more of me, but you'll have to make do.

Leonard Nimoy
addresses the
audience in Phoenix.

Trek mania starts
young in Phoenix.

Eric Stone's Home Page